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Jail for falling off the wagon

Drug court lost another client yesterday when a Warwick man was booted off after a year's attendance and headed to jail after pleading guilty to being drunk and incapable.

Acting Senior Magistrate Carlisle Greaves said it would make a mockery of the alternatives to incarceration policy if Urban Fleming, 40, of Smith's Avenue graduated.

He said: "This court is not in the business of building statistics. We are in the business of getting it right."

Mr. Greaves noted Fleming had improved his behaviour while in the system, which gives offenders breaks on sentencing undergoing treatment, before falling off the wagon on September 18 last year.

He said: "It seemed like every other month you got drunk and disorderly about Bermuda.

"I am not going to imprison you. I am going to fine you $500, you pay now or you go to jail for three months."

Fleming, who spoke with a slurred voice, said: "I have done a year, I was supposed to do. I was the only person who done it within a year.

Last night Drug Court Co-ordinator Cal Ming said: "People tend to come into the programme with one of two attitudes.

"Either they come looking at it as more punishment or they realise it's an opportunity to turn their life around.