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Scott's report avoids issues ? Gibbons

OPPOSITION Leader Dr. Grant Gibbons accused Premier Alex Scott of avoiding issues that might put Bermudians off Caricom in his report of his meeting with the Caribbean Community last week.

In a lengthy statement to assembled media, Mr. Scott quoted the Caricom communiqu? from the meeting in St. Kitts and Nevis on topics including regional transport, crime and security, HIV/Aids, external trade negotiations, the 2007 Cricket World Cup, policy on Haiti, US-Caricom relations and the Caribbean Knowledge and Learning Network.

"What Mr. Scott has done is to report selectively and he has not mentioned the issues that might be sensitive locally," Dr. Gibbons said.

"He did not mention that a number of countries are moving ahead with plans for free movement of labour and trade, nor does he mention the Caribbean Court of Justice."

Mr. Scott stressed yesterday that there were no plans at present for Bermuda, an associate Caricom member, to become a full member.

But he said the experience gained from seeing Caribbean leaders working together was invaluable.

"These leaders are serious people and it is helpful for us to learn from their experiences," Mr. Scott said.

"Bermuda could not pay for that kind of experience. That is the advantage of being part of Caricom as an associate member, which does not commit us to any kind of action."