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Police aware of flyer calling for a protest at Cabinet building

A public demonstration is planned to take place at the Cabinet building next Tuesday, according to a flyer circulating on social media.

The flyer is said to be supported by “concerned citizens” and police are aware of the event.

The flyer reads: “We’re All Equal Vaccinated and Unvaccinated”.

David Burt referenced the importance of border protection during the Covid-19 pandemic when asked to comment about the demonstration.

The Premier said: “We live in a democratic society where all Bermudian voices can be heard.

“The Government has instituted policies at our border to protect against the importation of new variants and it is important that our border protections remain strong.”

Government has come under fire after airlines refused some travellers the right to board flights to the island without proper travel authorisation.

A spokesman for the Bermuda Police Service said: “The BPS has seen the flyer making the rounds on social media and while a peaceful event is anticipated, the organisation is prepared for dealing with any eventuality which may arise.”

The flyer says the demonstration will take place at 11.30am.