BNA executives, council returned at AGM
Kimale Evans was returned as president and Nicole Smith as first vice-president during the Bermuda Netball Association’s annual meeting on Tuesday night.
Danielle Raynor was also returned as the second vice-president and Tahkeesha Welch the treasurer with Maceela Berkeley voted in as secretary in the only change on the executive. The position of assistant secretary/assistant treasurer was left vacant.
The Council members all returned except Bissy Richardson. They are Tamika White, Dionne Dowling, Helen Wilson and Knakita Bent.
Executive committee
President: Kimale Evans
First vice-president: Nicole Smith
Second vice-president: Danielle Raynor
Treasurer: Tahkeesha Welch
Secretary: Maceela Berkeley
Asstistant secretary/assistant treasurer: vacant
Council members
Tanika White
Dionne Dowling
Helen Wilson
Knakita Bent
• One Council position remains vacant