Report into pilot boat crash complete but cause not revealed
An initial report on the grounding of the government pilot boat St David during a training exercise in May has been completed.
The report by UK classification society Lloyd's Register includes certain recommendations and has been forwarded to Derrick Binns, the head of the public service, for review.
A spokeswoman for the Ministry of Transport said that the boat was under repair at its builders, the Gladding-Hearn shipyard in Massachusetts.
It was not disclosed how much the cost of repairs would be.
The spokeswoman said: “The repairs are ongoing, and the final cost is yet to be determined. Thus far, all costs are covered by our insurer.”
The pilot boat, purchased in 2011 for $2,795,000, is insured for $2.8 million.
The Royal Gazette asked if any further details could be provided in relation to the circumstances surrounding the crash but the spokeswoman would only say: “As previously reported the incident occurred during a training exercise.”
Asked whether it had been determined whether any action would be taken against anyone who may have been responsible for the crash, the spokeswoman said the head of the public service would make that call once he had reviewed the file.
The crash occurred as the boat was en route to the Northeast Breaker Beacon as part of a training exercise just before 7am on May 6.
The crew of four was uninjured but the boat’s propellers and driveshafts suffered severe damage and the boat lost power.
The vessel also received hull, rudder and main engine damage.
The 61ft twin-engined St David, constructed by the Gladding-Hearn Shipyard in Somerset, Massachusetts, replaced a smaller vessel of the same name in 2012.
It has been used in medical evacuations and for offshore search and rescue missions.
The spokeswoman added that shipping has not been impacted by the St David being out of service.