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Life begins at 44 for super sub Sammy

Experience prevailed over youth over the weekend as PHC Zebras striker Sammy Swan netted his first two goals since coming out of retirement at the age of 44.

Swan, the Roger Milla of local football, helped himself to an opportunistic second-half brace after replacing Phillip Anderson in the 66th minute.

The veteran striker ignited wild celebrations at Southampton Oval seconds after coming onto the pitch when he notched Zebras? third and fifth goals in a 5-0 demolition of Devonshire Colts.

?Words can?t even describe the feeling,? Swan told ?It felt so good. I?ve been putting the work in and so it was always a matter of time before I hit the back of the net.?

Having overcome the psychological age barrier, the predatory instincts which once made Swan one of the Island?s most feared strikers have seemingly shifted into overdrive.

?There?s no telling what I can do,? added Swan. ?And sometimes I feel a bit disappointed because I know deep down inside I have more to offer. But I have to take things as they come and so I am grateful for that.?

As for the physical demands of top flight football, Swan noted: ?I haven?t been on the field long enough to experience any physical effects yet. But I think I shocked a lot of people on Sunday.

?I know a lot of people had their doubts about me but they are probably all believers now.?

One individual who never once questioned Swan?s ability was former team-mate and national coach Kyle Lightbourne who has trained regularly with Zebras.

?That?s just to keep myself in shape,? the former Coventry City poacher explained, immediately dashing any ideas of joining Swan in attack.

?Without a doubt we know Sammy is going to score goals. He?s done so over the years and when he came on the game did change a bit.?

As for Sunday?s lopsided win over Colts, Lightbourne noted: ?Overall I thought it was a very disappointing game and nothing to really get carried away with.?

But Zebras? coach Mark Wade paid tribute to both hat-trick hero Raynel (Manga) Lightbourne and super sub Swan.

?Manga is an all-out striker,? he pointed out. ?He?s a pure bred striker and it?s always good to see the balls going into the net.?

As for Swan, Wade added: ?Sammy has shown that he can still produce.?

Wade also took delight in finally picking up a first league win of the season.

?It?s always good to pick up your first three points of the season. We were able to meet the objectives that were set in place for the match.?

Such was the level of confidence in the Zebras camp on Sunday, coach Wade was spotted snacking on a bag of French fries on the sidelines while his strikers feasted on a shaky Colts defence.

?It?s always pleasing to have two strikers hit the target in the same match,? Wade added. ?But overall we?re just happy to get maximum points.?

Zebras, one of only two clubs yet to taste defeat in league play this season, are pitted against Ireland Rangers at Southampton Oval on Sunday.