Around the churches
• Christian Science Society of Bermuda: Mark McCurties, practitioner of Christian Science healing, will speak on the theme: “Humility that overcomes the world”. The talk will focus on universal healing precepts found in the Holy Bible, especially in Christ Jesus’s life and teachings, and show how they are available for anyone to understand and experience through the lens of Christian Science. The talk is free, open to the community, and sponsored by the Christian Science Society of Bermuda. Please join us at 2pm via Zoom: Lecture
• St Mark's Anglican Church: We will be holding our peaceful worship service at 8am followed by our contemporary all-ages worship service at 9.30am. Reverend Gavin Tyte’s theme this Sunday is “Missional Church”, the fourth in a series of seven. All children and youth are welcome for activities and youth church. Come to St Mark's, not just a church but a family! 53 South Road, Smith's.
E-mail every Thursday before noon with any notices you would like featured with the subject “Around The Churches”