Bermuda does not need anti-business rhetoric
I feel obligated to respond to PLP candidate Vince Ingham’s claim (at the Victor Scott Primary PLP meeting on December 5) that the business community in Bermuda ‘have no social conscience and they are acting for their own interests’. This is an irresponsible statement.I have known Vince Ingham for a number of years (particularly when he himself was a member of the ‘business elite’ as CEO of Ascendant (the parent company of Belco). I used to have great respect for Mr. Ingham.Mr. Ingham's rhetoric encapsulates all the reasons why the current PLP administration will not create the jobs Bermuda desperately needs (and why we do need change). For the record, when I refer to the PLP, I am referring to the current PLP leadership (not PLP supporters).For those who do not know me (and would consider me an ‘elitist with no social conscience’), my companies have won two consecutive awards from this Government recognising our commitment to training and developing Bermudians. I give countless hours of my time (and money) to support Bermudians in need, raising money for key Government projects and most importantly, trying to create opportunities for Bermudians. I do this because I believe in Bermuda.I am an employer (like many others) who has been fighting to keep my work force employed over the past few years in the face of a struggling economy compounded by poor governance by the PLP leadership.Many local businesses in Bermuda are continuing to operate (despite losses) because the owners are committed to keeping as many people employed as possible. This is one of the many ways that employers are showing a social conscience.Contrary to what Mr Ingham will have his supporters believe, the business community do not see themselves as an elite that is trying to control the country.Mr Ingham declares: ‘I would like some business leaders to stand up and declare what they are going to do for the interests of Bermudians.”I can declare that the business community (black and white) in Bermuda simply want their businesses and their Bermudian workers to succeed. It’s that simple. Business leaders want to create opportunities for Bermudians. In order to do this, we need Government policies (and support) that encourages business investment. Insulting the business community (to buy votes) does nothing to create jobs.Mr Ingham goes on to reference ‘black surrogates’. As a white business man I work with black business colleagues and leaders that I have a friendship and huge respect for. These individuals have succeeded based on their ethics, determination and talent.The PLP’s message is that to be a successful black person you have to be “a surrogate” of the white elite or be sponsored and protected by the PLP. This is nonsense and is derogatory and insulting to all of the successful black business people and colleagues that I admire.The racial polarisation being propagated by the PLP and candidates such as Vince Ingham is not going to create jobs for Bermudians. On the contrary, the constant characterisation of the Bermuda business community as ‘working against the people’ actually promotes a lack of confidence in the business community and suggests that the Government does not want to work with us in partnership to get Bermudians back to work. This hurts job creation.The only comment of Mr Ingham comments that I agree with is when he says that ‘The Government doesn’t provide jobs’ (although the current Government have been mistakenly providing jobs by bloating the civil service). The business community is the job creator.The PLP have controlled the country since 1998. On one hand, the PLP tout their achievements since 1998 and on the other hand inform the public that there is still a secret cabal of the old elite who really control the country and manipulate “black surrogates like puppets”. Which story is the truth? It can’t be both.The PLP leadership need to realise that all Bermudians want a Government that is honest about its mistakes and does not blame others for every negative thing that has happened to Bermuda since they have been in power.PLP supporters and all Bermudians are hurting and reaching out to the Government to ask why they are unemployed. They want to know why they have not seen the benefit of billions of dollars of Government spending. Rather than answering with the truth, the answers are deflected with blame going to others and talk of ‘social justice’.We need the whole community — black and whites, employers and employees and Bermudians and non-Bermudians to work together to fix our serious economic, education and crime issues.It is disheartening that after 14 years in power the PLP has moved backwards and not addressed the fundamental needs of their supporters. It is ominous that the PLP still has to rely on divisive and polarising election strategies (including bashing job creators) rather than providing clear and confidence boosting policies to solve our issues. I would have hoped that after 14 years with the PLP in power, we would have moved our country further ahead.Mr Ingham refers to the old ‘system governed by the elite few’. The sad truth is that the real ‘elite few’ in Bermuda are the current PLP leadership. They appear out of touch and immune to the hurt in this community. The rhetoric at Victor Scott on December 5 shows this. How can you be in touch when you say there is a ‘pile of money sitting somewhere in Bermuda’? This is after the PLP has burdened every working Bermudian with about $50,000 in debt!At the same meeting Mr Commisiong stated that PLP needs to retain power so it can continue its social agenda and bridge the gap between the rich and poor. The tragedy is that the last 14 years have seen the gap between rich and poor widen. Poor economic governance and irresponsible Government spending has contributed to this. This is heartbreaking and is contrary to the founding principles of the PLP.Actions speak louder than words and we need to elect Governments on their achievements and actions. We should not elect Governments who rely solely on outdated and divisive rhetoric to win elections. Bermuda needs and deserves better.Don Mackenzie is chairman of New Venture Holdings Ltd, HWP Group, Island Self Storage, Suite Solutions and Management Solutions and other companies in Bermuda. He is also a director and past chairman of The Family Centre, a trustee of The Bermuda Hospital Charitable Trust, a former trustee of Bermuda High School for Girls, a former board member of the Bermuda Employers Council, a former member of the Linc Advisory Council, a former director of Cap-a-Laige Trust and former Chapter Chair of the Young Presidents Organisation of Bermuda.