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Witness denies being spurned lover

A woman who testified that her ex-boyfriend admitted to a 2006 murder lied because she was jealous when he became engaged to another woman, a lawyer claimed yesterday.

The woman, who cannot be named for legal reasons, earlier told the Supreme Court trial that Cleveland Rogers told her that he had killed Marcus Gibbings. But Marc Daniels, counsel for Mr Rogers, said that the witness had “premeditated how to bring Cleveland down”.

He added: “You basically told a lie to try and destroy him.”

The woman denied Mr Daniels’s claim.

The body of Mr Gibbings, 32, was found inside an apartment on Derwent Lane, in Devonshire, on October 26, 2006.

Katrina Burgess, Mr Gibbings’s ex-girlfriend, and Mr Rogers, her half-brother, are charged with his murder.

The prosecution has claimed that Mr Gibbings was lured to the apartment he had shared with Ms Burgess and was stabbed to death by Mr Rogers.

Mr Daniels suggested that the witness had been hurt when Mr Rogers had proposed to another woman, after the relationship between the witness and Mr Rogers ended. The woman also cannot be named for legal reasons.

He said: “You must accept that you acted in a trifling manner in relation to Cleveland and the hurt that you bear.”

But the witness said the lawyer was “so far from the truth”.

Mr Daniels asked: “During your relationship, for a decade plus, are you going to say that you never entertained the idea of marrying him? The man at the very beginning of our cross yesterday you admitted you had love for?”

The woman agreed that she had thought about marriage while she and Mr Rogers were together. Mr Daniels suggested that “when he gave a ring” to the other woman “that must have broken you”.

But the witness said that she had not been upset that Mr Rogers was with the new woman.

Mr Daniels suggested that the witness had not wanted her child to be around Mr Gibbings’s new girlfriend.

She admitted that at first she had not wanted her child around the new woman, but insisted: “I got over that, and they did do things together, and I was OK with it.”

Mr Daniels also highlighted how the woman had earlier told jurors that she had spoken to Crime Stoppers. He asked her if she was aware that the anonymous information hotline provided money rewards.

The witness said that was not aware at the time she had first talked to Crime Stoppers and had only become aware later on.

She added: “That wasn’t the reason I came forward. I didn’t even know about that.”

Mr Daniels pointed out that the woman had not “shed a single tear” while she had given her evidence. The woman agreed, but said that her appearance in the witness box had been “very hard to do”. She added: “Everybody needs closure.”

The trial continues.

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