New Apex portal for credit managers
Global financial services provider, Apex Group Ltd has launched the Apex Credit Data Lens, expanding offerings for credit strategies.
CDL is a secure, cloud-based portal which allows asset managers a complete real-time view of their credit portfolio from their desktop, smartphone or tablet device.
CDL displays real-time loan performance data and the breakdown of transactions and loan portfolios as well as daily fund and asset level P&L calculations.
This loan data is displayed in a visual platform with highly customisable reports and dashboards, suitable for all groups within each organisation. From operations to compliance, there are dashboards suitable to allow each access to the relevant data as and when it’s required.
Eddie Kelly, global head of loan services, Apex Group said: “With the explosion of interest in credit strategies, we are excited to launch these new capabilities as part of our robust, adaptable and scalable suite of industry leading technologies. The Apex Credit Data Lens provides our clients with unparalleled visibility of their portfolio as part of our complete credit services ecosystem, to ensure a seamless data flow through all aspects of the fund and help managers to achieve their goals.”
There has been rapid growth in allocations to credit strategies since the beginning of the global pandemic, driven by the low-interest environment and demand for private lending from companies seeking capital to fund post-Covid growth.