Special August BizCamp for signature school students
Next month, The Youth Entrepreneurship Initiative, will be holding a special BizCamp for students in the new senior signature school.
This BizCamp is arranged in coordination with the Bermuda Signature Schools Transformation Team, and will be held at the Bermuda College from August 1 to 10.
Joe Mahoney, executive director of the YEI said: “The goal of this special BizCamp is to prepare students scheduled to enter the senior signature school to earn the YEI Entrepreneurship Certificate, which will prepare them for the entrepreneurship infusion being offered within each of the new signature learning pathways.”
Nekesha Holdipp, department of education acting education officer, and senior Bermuda signature schools transformation team member, said: “It would be very beneficial for any M3 students who are entering into the financial and insurance services signature to attend BizCamp and receive the YEI Entrepreneurship Certificate”.
With the support of the Bermuda Economic Development Corporation, and funding provided by the Centennial Foundation, and Chubb Charitable Foundation, BizCamp is free to any Bermudian teenagers interested in learning how to master the growth mindset of an entrepreneur.
It is based upon the belief that concepts like intelligence, leadership, personality, and ability are all things that can be developed and cultivated.
Participants will be admitted on a rolling basis until both sessions are full.
BizCamp@yei.bm www.yei.bm