Cup Match messages from the Premier and Leader of the Opposition
Cup Match message from the Premier, David Burt:
Cup Match is my favourite Bermuda tradition. It is a celebration of our culture and our history.
Bermudians unite to experience the best traditional cuisine, enjoy seeing friends and family and look forward to two days of exciting cricket between Somerset and St George’s.
This unique sporting holiday owes its origins to a celebration of the abolition of slavery in Bermuda. As we reflect on the sacrifice of our ancestors, it is a source of considerable pride to see their legacy fulfilled year after year through the continued tradition that is now truly a “Classic”.
My family and I look forward to joining in the festive atmosphere with all of Bermuda, and we hope you and your family enjoy this special time of year. The excitement that builds in the weeks before the Match has been played can be seen in the proud display of team colours across the Island.
The Cup Match spirit is alive and well!
In the midst of the celebrations of Cup Match, I want to encourage everyone to be safe. Look out for one another on the roads, on the water and at the various events over the holiday weekend.
Hosting and participating in Cup Match takes months of preparation and endless hours of planning. I offer my sincere thanks to the Executive, selectors, coaches, players, umpires and groundstaff of both host Somerset Cricket Club and challengers St George’s Cricket Club.
On behalf of the Government of Bermuda, I wish both teams the best of luck and look forward to seeing two days of great cricket!
Happy Emancipation Day, Happy Mary Prince Day, and Happy Cup Match!
Cup Match message from the Leader of the Opposition, Cole Simons:
It's Cup Match time in Bermuda and there's no place I'd rather be than right here in beautiful Bermuda.
I am a diehard St George's fan, and I have every confidence that St George's will be victorious – in Somerset! As the holiday approaches, one can actually feel the atmosphere heating up, figuratively and literally. It is all about red and blue and blue and blue – people and players coming together, enjoying the match, enjoying each other, eating great food, and relaxing for four days!
But we wouldn't be able to enjoy the holiday without being emancipated from slavery. We have real freedom where others have been denied. We have the freedom to be with our families and to enjoy life.
Today we have the freedom to come together on one field, under one umbrella for fun, friendship and competition; celebrating the beautiful legacy of our forefathers who fought for all of us.
So, let’s take these next days to be thankful for what we have, to share what we can with each other, and extend a hand to neighbours and acquaintances in the true spirit of the holiday.
We can also take time to consider where we are headed as individuals and as a country.
We all want a better tomorrow, but the question is-how do we get there?
I believe the key lies in each of us. Start by believing in yourself. Be your own reality check, your own monitor, with an active conscience, asking yourself: Is what I am doing taking me there or taking me in the wrong direction? You always know when you are doing wrong. The key is to stop before you act, and ask yourself – Is this the right thing to do? Is this taking me in the right direction?
It is on these answers that you build your life. Similarly, Bermuda is built on the cumulative responses of each one of us to these questions and progressed – but It starts within each of us, keeping an eye on who we are.
Often, the direction we take reflects the discipline and determination we have. Without it, we are weakened, and our world becomes more uncertain, and unsafe, but those who live to make their dreams a reality know that the change lies within their hearts.
Out of this realisation, progress is born, and communities become strong.
My hopes and dreams for our great Island lies within each of us. Bermuda can only get better if we get better – all of us; keeping our dreams alive through discipline, hard work, a strong moral compass and never-ending compassion for all who come our way.
On this Cup Match 2022, let’s keep our dreams alive. Enjoy the holiday, and together, let's build a better Bermuda.