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Fine and ban for man for drinking and driving

Magistrates' Court (file photograph)

A man who suffered road rash after he came off his bike when he hit a kerb has been fined and banned from the roads for drink-driving.

John Iris, 59, from Warwick, pleaded guilty to drink-driving when he appeared in Magistrates’ Court this morning.

Prosecutor Adley Duncan said that police saw that Iris had road rash after the accident, which happened near the junction of South Road and Lover’s Lane on October 5.

After being treated at the King Edward VII Memorial Hospital, he was taken to Hamilton Police Station, where a breathalyser test revealed that he had between 222 and 225 milligrams of alcohol within 100 millilitres of blood. The legal limit for driving is 80mg/100ml.

In addition to being banned for 18 months, Iris was fined $1,500.

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