Running of the Bulls
It is not unusual for a Royal Gazette photographer to find themselves in peculiar positions to capture an image, but yesterday Blaire Simmons met his match, as he came face-to-face with an overzealous steer on the farmland in Somerset.
“I was riding through West Side Road and spotted what looked to be a flock of sheep scattering off into the distance,” Blaire said. “I was curious to see if there had been some newborns in the group. In a rush to find a good position to capture the herd, I found myself standing in the middle of a pasture which gave me a perfect vantage point to photograph the foal.
“Just as I reached into my camera bag to set up, I heard a gallop that was gaining in volume. I looked over my shoulder and there he was. I will never forget the day I was nearly trampled by No 22!”