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National Trust plant and bake sale takes place today

Bermuda National Trust plant and bake sale takes place on Saturday.

Gardeners who want to get a jump on spring planting and anyone with a sweet tooth should head to the Bermuda National Trust’s plant and bake sale today.

The event will go ahead between 8.30am and noon at the trust’s Waterville headquarters on Pomander Road, Paget.

Karen Border, the BNT executive director, said: “We invite everyone to Waterville this Saturday to choose from a fabulous selection of plants, from bedding annuals to unusual trees and shrubs, native and endemic species, Bermuda roses, succulents, orchids, palms and much more,” she said.

“There will be plant experts on hand to help you select plants suitable for your needs and explain the best conditions for growing them successfully.”

In addition to plants, there will be fresh vegetables and fruits for sale, donated by local farmers, as well as home-made preserves, local honey and flowers.

There will also be a wide selection of home-made sweet and savoury baked goods, including breads, scones, cakes and cupcakes, cookies, muffins, gluten-free items and Valentine’s Day-themed items.

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Published February 11, 2023 at 7:50 am (Updated February 11, 2023 at 7:50 am)

National Trust plant and bake sale takes place today

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