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Somerset Primary students have an egg-cellent adventure

Somerset Primary School students prepare to take on the Egg Drop Challenge. (Photograph supplied)

What goes up must come down – often with messy results – as Somerset Primary students witnessed.

The school hosted its annual Egg Drop Challenge, tasking students with finding a way to protect eggs before they were dropped 70ft from the Bermuda Fire and Rescue Service’s extended ladder.

Students highlighted their creations in class, discussed how they hoped their projects would protect their eggs and predicted which eggs would survive and why.

Their hard work paid off in many cases, with a large number of eggs surviving the drop.

The competition was one part of Easter festivities at the school, with students also taking part in a grub day and decorating the school’s walkways with chalk. There were prizes for the best work.

Students also enjoyed an Easter egg hunt, snowballs, popcorn and face painting.

As a part of the weekly assignments LuckyDraw Challenge, four children were given Bermuda kites that were donated to the school.

The Egg Drop Challenge (Photograph supplied)
Somerset Primary School students prepare to take on the Egg Drop Challenge (Photograph supplied)
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Published April 15, 2023 at 7:44 am (Updated April 15, 2023 at 10:05 am)

Somerset Primary students have an egg-cellent adventure

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