Cannabis prohibition needs to end
October 29, 2014
Dear Mr Editor,
Glancing through recent editions of your paper I had noticed the large full page add taken out to advertise an “informative and educational documentary on Marijuana”. Judging by the basic graphic design and simple explanation of the film, I wrongfully assumed it would be propaganda supporting anti cannabis reform sentiments.
Fortunately my assumption was incorrect and I watched an enlightening documentary titled The Union.
It not only explained the history of cannabis and the horrible reasons why it was made illegal but also undoubtedly solidified why prohibition of cannabis needs to end. I write to thank the individuals of LTD (Learn Think Do) whomever they may be, for funding this screening on local TV and providing the people of Bermuda with an easy opportunity to learn more about the topic.
It is my hope that other people less informed on the cannabis prohibition watched the programme.
If they missed the screening, I hope they seek to watch it elsewhere and the many other informative films out there.
Thank you LTD.