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Golden Girls retain faith quiz title

Excitement was high a couple of weeks ago when the finals of the fourth annual Christian Faith Quiz, hosted by Mt. Zion AME, were held at the Southampton Princess and televised on ZFB TV7 on Saturday, April 21.

The competition, which cumulated approximately eight months of preparation for the teams involved, was a record year, with the team, the Golden Girls, successfully defending their title for the third year in a row, with a total of 200 points. They were followed by Grace and Mercy in second place with 180 points, the Mighty Men of Valour in third with 175 points, and the Angelic Hosts, the most junior team, in fourth with 115 points.

“The feedback has been dazzling,” said Quiz coordinator, Tony Roberts.

More than 300 people attended the event at the Princess hotel, and even more watched the excitement unfold on live television.

“After having that on television, I was amazed at how many people watch local television,” said Rev. Dr. Wilber Lowe, pastor at Mt. Zion. He shared at the great variety of people from all different walks of life that watched the event and told him how excited they were about the event. “It was a major, major success.”

During the evening, three different contestants achieved perfect scores — Sen. Carol Bassett and Gilda Richards, both on team Golden Girls, and Robert Harvey, of the Mighty Men of Valour.

For those who have wondered how their church can be a part of the thrilling event, organisers are seeking to expand the event

“What we are going to do next year, because the interest is there, we are going to open it to the wider community,” said Rev. Lowe.

The church is inviting interested groups to obtain a registration form from Mt. Zion AME’s church office, or by e-mailing the church at mtzion[AT]ibl.bm. Teams should consist of five persons, four of which will compete during the evenings. The church hopes to host up to 18 teams next year.

“The Catholic church is most eager,” said Rev. Lowe.

Deadline for applications is May 31, and team slots will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Teams will also be requested to submit information on their church or organisation’s doctrines and disciplines, to help create new questions for the Doctrines and Disciplines category.