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Steede hails his Hogges

Top man: Shaun Goater was in sparkling form for the Bermuda Hogges on Monday night, scoring two goals

Proud skipper Kwame Steede has paid tribute to his team-mates following their vital victory against New Hampshire Phantoms declaring: “We’ve all taken the Bermuda Hogges to our hearts.”

Midfielder Steede hailed the spirit within the Hogges dressing room after their 2-1 win at the National Sports Centre and said the team no longer felt like a select eleven but a united Bermuda outfit.

With the Phantoms lying one league position above basement dwellers Hogges, Monday’s fixture had been earmarked as an ideal opportunity to record their first ever win.

And while Devonshire Cougars man Steede has warned Hogges not to get carried away by the result, he believes it will provide them with a platform from which to build upon.

“The Hogges jersey means a lot to the players and whenever we take the field we feel like we’re representing Bermuda — that’s the way we see it,” he said.

“We all come from various domestic clubs and different parts of the Island but we’ve all taken the Bermuda Hogges to our hearts.”

Steede admitted suffering defeat after defeat had taken its toll on the players’ confidence at times during their inaugural campaign — but insisted their belief had never wavered.

“It feels good to finally get a win and it should give us a lot of confidence for the remainder of the season,” he said.

“We’ve worked hard for this and as captain I feel extremely proud of all the players who’ve stuck together throughout our losing streak.

“The belief has always been there but I must admit it’s good to know the next time we play we will have a victory under our belts. “Each player in the squad deserves this victory — it’s all about the team.”

For the first time this season the Hogges faithful who watched them overcome the Phantoms were able to sing their signature chant “Let’s go Hogges” with any real conviction.

And Steede said he was delighted they had been able to give their fans something to cheer after making an inauspicious start to the season.

“We have taken a lot of licks so far but kept on going and the supporters who have turned out to watch our games have always got behind us.

“The support against New Hampshire Phantoms was superb and we’re pleased we were able to get our first victory in Bermuda — they certainly drove us to victory.”

Recent captures Jabrel Tucker and Sean Simmons made their full Hogges debuts in the victory and both delivered polished performances.

Steede believes the Somerset Trojans defenders will prove useful acquisitions and help bolster the Hogges defence which has struggled to cope with the physicality and direct style of the USL.

“Sean Simmons and Jabrel Tucker have come in at a difficult time but they both stuck to their tasks against the Phantoms and should prove to be good additions to the squad,” he added.

The Hogges now have a fixture break after a hectic recent programme and are next in action against the Cleveland City Stars at the Krenzier Stadium on July 6.

Their next match at the National Sports Centre is against Crystal Palace Baltimore on July 16.