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Do you know a Frances Charlton who lived here in the 1930s?

Front cover of a book bought in British Columbia which belonged to a Bermudian called Frances Charlton in 1939. The current owner of the book, Susan Smith, wants to track her down

A Canadian woman is hoping to trace a Bermuda resident who sketched a picture in the flyleaf of a children’s book almost 70 years ago.

Susan Smith, from British Columbia, was given the book - called Elsie on the Hudson by Martha Finley - by her mother who bought it for a couple of dollars at a second-hand sale.

Ms Smith found the inscription “Frances Charlton, Cedar Valley, Southampton East, Bermuda, Thursday 6 April 1939” on the flyleaf and became intrigued as to how the book came to North America.

She is hoping readers of The Royal Gazette will help her return the book to its former owner. She said: “At the bottom of the page in pencil is a child’s drawing of two houses on a beach and the drawing is initialled F.C.

“I became curious as to who Frances Charlton was. As I am interested in genealogy I thought maybe Frances or her children or grandchildren would like to have her book back.

“I was curious whether Frances moved to Bermuda during the war or whether she lived there permanently. I was also wondering if the drawing she made was of her residence in Bermuda.”

Anyone who can help can write to Ms Smith at 3010 Red Bluff Road, Quesnel, British Columbia, Canada V2J 6C6 or email smithjosephy@shaw.ca.

Flyleaf of a book bought in British Columbia which belonged to a Bermudian called Frances Charlton in 1939. The current owner of the book, Susan Smith, wants to track her down