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Always time for thoughtful thinking ...

With the Bermuda Sectional now completed, the Bridge Club slows down on the tournament front with some players taking a break and others gearing up for the ACBL Summer Nationals.

There is a Junior/Senior night on July 9 and on Wednesday, July 15 is the International Fund Game. Before I leave the Sectional, I read the write-up on the Bridge Club website and it is clear that despite the good weather keeping some players away, the event was a great success.

I mentioned chairman Paul Thompson and Tournament Director Jack Rhind last week but Paul also credits John Glynn, Lorna Anderson, Rosie Smith, Judy King and many others who worked behind the scenes.

This week’s hand is all about thinking at trick one — or thinking anytime!

Dealer South N/S Vulnerable


S AKJ743

H Q8

D A4

C A83

West East

S 9 S 2

H J109753 H K6

D 10632 D K975

C 105 C QJ9642


S Q10865

H A42


C K7

The Bidding:

South North

1S 2NT

4S 4NT

5C 6S

South opened his 12 pointer and North’s 2NT was a forcing game raise.

South tried to end the bidding with his 4 Spade bid (fast arrival bad hand, slow arrival good hand) but North understandably dragged him to the slam.

West led the Heart Jack and declarer played the Queen from dummy and had to win the King with his Ace.

He now drew trumps and when the Diamond finesse lost went one down.

Declarer immediately looked for sympathy from partner for both Kings being offside but partner was not impressed!

There was little chance that West had led the Jack of Hearts from KJ10 on this powerful bidding and you should have played low at trick one …. now win the Ace, draw trumps, eliminate the Clubs and exit with a Heart in this position:


S KJ743


D A4


West East


H 10975 H K

D 10632 D K975



S Q108

H 42



Now East has no safe exit and either leads a Diamond away from the King or leads a Club providing a ruff and discard — either way the slam makes.

If East did have a third Heart as an exit you can fall back on the Diamond finesse. So the next time you want to get lucky — think!

Hard to argue with that!

<p>Bridge Club results</p>

Sunday, June 14


1 Julia Lunn-David Cordon-John Burville-Robert Todd

2 Rachael Gosling-Simon Giffen-Elizabeth McKee-John Glynn

3 Janice Trott-Michael Bickley-Lyn O’Neill-Molly Taussig

Monday, June 15


1 Rachael Gosling-Elizabeth McKee

2 George Correia-Lorna Anderson

3 Geoff and Kath Bell


1 John Glynn-Robert Todd

2 Dee Craft-Trish Colmet

3 Gwen Christensen-Dorry Lusher



1 Charles Hall-John Glynn

2 Sue and John Hodge

3 Lynanne Bolton-Molly Taussig


1 Richard and Wendy Gray

2 Peter Donnellan-Robert Todd

3 Pat Siddle-Julia Beach

Tuesday, June 16


1 Mary Leigh Burnett-Willi Christensen

2 Louise Payne-Marion Ezedinma

3 Claude Guay-Sharon Shanahan


1 Linda Abend-Christine Lloyd-Jennings

2 Paul and Monica Pereech

3 George and Sandra Ogden

Wednesday, June 17


1 Ellen Davidson-Dianna Kempe

2 Russ Craft-Diana Diel

3 Pat Hayward-Nea Willits


1 Gertie Barker-Jane Smith

2 Mona Marie Gambrill-Julia Beach

3 Magda Farag-Sheena Rayner

Thursday, June 18

1 Nick Jones-Jean Wolosiuk

2 Martha Ferguson-Dianna Kemp

3 Lorna Anderson-Charles Pearman

Friday, June 19


1 Gertie Barker-Marilynn Simmons

2 Dee Craft-Martha Ferguson


1 Marg Way-Dianna Diel

2 Janice Trott-Michael Bickley