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Job creation is top priority in Govt's Throne Speech

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Premier Paula Cox attends yesterday's reading of the Throne Speech.

Job creation is a central focus of Premier Cox's agenda for the new parliamentary year. Measures to stimulate the economy, fight discrimination and new air links with the Middle East are other items on the agenda.“Your Government is committed not to job creation soon or job creation as soon as possible, but to job creation now,” read Sir Richard Gozney.“While job creation remains its top priority, the Government's stimulus plan will also address the needs of citizens in a great many other areas.”Key elements of the job creation programme is the Job Corps programme, a one-stop career centre and amendments to existing employment laws as well as the introduction of workforce development legislation.“The Bermuda adaptation of the Job Corps programme — recommended in the Mincy Report — will provide eligible Bermudians, aged 16 and over, with free education and training designed to equip them to compete for stable, long term, well-paid careers,” Sir Richard said.“By integrating the teaching of academic knowledge, vocational and employability skills and social competencies, the Job Corps scheme will provide students with classroom theory and practical learning experiences that will contribute to success in the workforce and in life.”It is planned that the programme will start in the second part of 2012 and will be a Government-private sector partnership. Already underway, Sir Richard informed the country, is the Tri 30 Work Experience Initiative — a three-month programme which ends in December but which has provided work to 30 young people.“This programme enables these young people to reset their personal dials by providing a jump start to entry level jobs,” Sir Richard continued. “Thanks to the synergy between public and private partnerships, participants are also provided with some work training courses.”A new Youth Empowerment Scheme will provide unemployed youth with jobs renovating the Sandys Community Centre, the Governor revealed.And the National Training Board and the Department of Labour and Training will be merged as part of the creation of the one-stop career centre.“The centre will be an active participant in the Job Corps programme, assisting successful graduates of the programme in finding gainful employment. It will coordinate with the unit that processes work permits, ensuring work permits will only be granted after the career centre has confirmed that there are no suitably qualified Bermudians available for a position.”Unemployed Financial Assistance clients will automatically become clients of the one-stop career centre.Sir Richard reported that Government had been in talks with Cisco Systems to establish a Cisco Academy on the Island to train and certify young Bermudians in Information Technology.But the Governor stressed that it is the private sector and not Government that creates jobs.Government will facilitate private sector job creation with a law which will provide permanent residence and work permit exemptions for eligible job creators. Measures will also be taken to remove incentives for employers to choose non-Bermudians over Bermudians.Measures to improve the economy include laws to encourage foreign investment, including possibly changing the 60/40 ownership provision in the Companies Act which restrict foreign ownership of companies to a limit of 60 percent.“Given today's landscape there is apparent agreement between all business sectors that they need greater access to capital,” the Governor said. “While the 60/40 provision is generally thought to have served Bermuda well over the years, now there is a strong view that it could be blocking businesses from access to direct foreign investment.”And Government will be repealing laws which deny home ownership to non-Bermudian spouses of Bermudians but will outlaw sham marriages.In education, teacher certification and registration legislation will be introduced and Career Academies will be formed in the public school system. The Speech also contains pledges to bring laws aimed at toughening penalties for violent crime and gang activity. But the ability to investigate complaints against the police will be strengthened and drug offences will penalised according to the type of drug involved.Good governance legislation will be further strengthened by expanding whistle-blower legislation and outlawing inducements for financial transactions and contracts.A National Infrastructure Strategy is being developed and its key project will be redeveloping the Waterfront in the City of Hamilton.“The development will generate jobs and transform the waterfront in a manner that preserves its stunning beauty while creating a dynamic new hub for business and entertainment.”In international business, Bermuda will be marketed as an Islamic Finance jurisdiction, Sir Richard said. Government is also promising to establish a Bermuda Space Enterprise Zone, and a Communication Orbital Slot.On the tourism front, Government is rebranding the Island, reintroducing College Weeks and considering a referendum on gaming.The Throne Speech also contains a pledge to eliminate age discrimination, by amending the Human Rights Act. But on sexual orientation discrimination, the Government “will assess whether it is feasible to introduce an Equality Act.”At a press conference following the formalities, the Premier called on the country to come together.“As a country we must accept the fact that if we are not all winners then we will certainly all be losers,” she said.”Building one another together is not just a theme, it is an imperative. While we can only achieve success together, the Government must take the lead to energise our stakeholders and our citizens.”And she promised: “We will listen, we will consult, and we will take action.”

Scenes from the Throne Speech. All photos by Mark Tatem.
Throne Speech highlights

Job Creation

Job Corps programme.

Cisco Academy.

One Stop Career Centre.

Youth Empowerment Scheme.

Work Permit exemptions and PRC for 'job creators'.


Encouraging foreign investment through relaxing 60/40 rule.

Reducing red tape for projects involving foreign investors.

Marketing Bermuda as an Islamic Finance jurisdiction.

“Bermuda Space Enterprise Zone”.

Global Telecommunications Orbital Slot.

Modernise the Hotel Concessions Act.

Reintroducing College Weeks.

Waterfront Redevelopment.

Air links to the Middle East under consideration.

Islamic finance and green initiatives.

Referendum on gaming under consideration.

Supporting those

experiencing hardship

Legislation to allow civil servants access to their pension entitlements to meet certain financial obligations.

Health insurance reforms to disallow upfront payments for medical care.

Changing Financial Assistance rules so that homeowners are not denied financial assistance.


Remove legal barriers denying home ownership to non-Bermudian members of families.

Government will assess if an equality act is feasible to eliminate sexual orientation discrimination.

Shared parenting legislation will provide parents with equal rights and responsibilities for their children to help combat gang trouble.

Eliminate age discrimination through legislation.

Alternatives to conscription, including a youth national service, will be considered

Standard hospital benefit will be redesigned to target excessive overseas healthcare costs.

Crime and Public Safety

Laws to allow seizures of cash and property which are suspected to be proceeds of crime.

Fines added to sentences where the crime is gang related.

Different kinds of drugs offences will yield different punishments under a new sentencing framework.

Drunk-driving penalties will be increased, and use of breathalysers stepped up.

Improving service

delivery and accountability

in the Public Service

More good governance legislation.