Saltus elite athletes run rule over US universities
Saltus students in the Elite Athlete Programme have recently returned from their universities tour to Central Florida.
More than 20 student athletes visited ten universities over four busy days, with their itinerary consisting of visits to two or three schools per day as they ran the rule over prospective colleges.
The athletes received an admissions and athletic presentation at each school with coaches, athletic directors, compliance officers and athletes sharing their experiences and advising the youngsters of the dedication needed to be a student athlete at collegiate level.
Tours of all athletic facilities were a big part of the trip, while the students also enjoyed the experience of eating lunch at various school cafeterias to sample the dining options available.
A combination of Division I, Division II, Junior College and NAIA schools were visited, including the University of Tampa (DII), University of South Florida (DI) , Saint Leo University (DII), Southeastern University (NAIA), Southern Florida College (DII), Rollins College (DII), University of Central Florida (DI), Stetson University (DI), Daytona State College (Junior) and Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (DII).
Once the business end of the trip was completed, the students also got the chance to visit Top Golf, Florida Mall and Universal Studios.
This was the second trip for the Elite Athletes programme. In 2019, the group visited 14 universities in four days going from Atlanta, Georgia to Charlotte, North Carolina.
Two of the students on that trip are now on scholarship at the schools visited with five others student-athletes at universities across the United States and Britain.
The programme will travel each year to a different part of the East Coast.