Butterfield up 5.61% on the NYSE
Created: May 17, 2023 06:00 PM (Updated: May 17, 2023 07:40 PM)
BF&M shares finished unchanged at $22.95 with 5,268 shares trading
The RG/BSX Index closed down 1.44 points (0.07 per cent) on Wednesday, ending the day at 2,123.56, with $130,209.20 worth of shares trading.
It was a busy trading day, with 5,268 BF&M shares finishing unmoved at $22.95, 800 Bermuda Aviation Services Ltd shares closing down 25 cents at $2.49, and 265 Bank of N T Butterfield shares trading to end the day at $28, price unchanged.
On the New York Stock Exchange, Butterfield Bank closed the day up $1.34 (5.61 per cent) at $25.24, with 211,414 shares trading.
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Published May 17, 2023 at 6:00 pm (Updated May 17, 2023 at 7:40 pm)
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