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Carwash property for sale at $750,000

Open house: real estate agents Belcario and Natasha Thomas are holding an open house tomorrow at Bull’s Head Car Wash (Photograph by Duncan Hall)

Realtors retained to sell Bull’s Head Car Wash are to hold an open house tomorrow to stimulate interest in the property.

Agents Belcario and Natasha Thomas, “Team Thomas” at KellerWilliams Bermuda, are inviting interested parties for “viewing, snacks, coffee and information sharing of the opportunities” from 11am until 1pm.

The property, which is listed for a sale price of $750,000, consists of a 2,350-square-foot building with an office, washrooms and storage on a lot measuring 0.186 acres. In addition to two, 10,000 gallon water tanks, the property also has a three-chamber tank for recycling water.

Mr Thomas said the property’s high-traffic location and visibility, combined with its indoor/outdoor spaces, make it suitable for a range of operations in addition to the prospect of it continuing as a carwash.

Other uses, he said, could include a family daycare or amusement operation; a business with a showroom in the front, and production and storage in the back; a drive-through “grab and go” or takeout food establishment; or another car-related business.

Mr Thomas said: “It could also be used as a satellite for another business nearby in town, or for the positioning of an existing business from out of town. You could have a business in St David’s, or in Somerset, and having proved your concept, you could apply that now in town with better traffic.”

Ms Thomas said there have been two showings to prospective purchasers, with another two scheduled.

“One of the unique offerings is that the two, 10,000-gallon tanks are fed by the roof at Masters that used to flood,” she said.

Mr Thomas added: “If a place does need water, this is a good place to get it for free.”

He and Ms Thomas encouraged prospective purchasers to be open-minded about the property’s potential uses.

“You don’t have to stick to looking in the rear-view mirror,” Mr Thomas says. “Instead, you can look ahead. There are future needs that we know are coming down the pipeline.”

The property’s co-owner and manager Art Riviere, 78, announced last week that the land and business located at 5 Jackson’s Way, Hamilton, are to be sold 15 years after the carwash business first launched.

Mr Riviere, who is to retire, has offered his services to train anyone who may decide to keep the carwash business running.

To RSVP for the open house, contact TeamThomas@kwbermuda.com or What’s App 737-2355