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The sky’s the limit — as the old metaphor goes — but in the case of an extraordinary young Bermudian making inroads in the aviation business the phrase is most appropriate.Tariq Lynch-Wade, 28, knew from the age of four when he received his first model airplane that becoming a pilot was more than wishful thinking — it was a realisation of what would follow.

Mr. Wade’s family is from Pembroke, but he grew up in Sandys and now works as an assistant chief flight instructor at the Delta Connection Academy in Jacksonville, Florida, in addition to being the group’s Jacksonville manager.

The Academy is highly regarded in the US and around the world. It’s owned by Delta Airlines and known for turning out some of the best pilots in the industry.

Mr. Wade is able to fly and teach in single and multi-engine airplanes and is currently giving instructions on the Cessna 172, Cessna 172RG (retractable gear), Piper Arrow and twin engine Seminole aircraft.

He explained: “There are just as many types of aircraft as there are car manufactures and models.

“In order to fly the ‘big jets’ like the ones that regular commercial travellers use, a pilot must do a course for that specific type of airplane.”

He spoke of his future career plans, saying he would love to fly for a Bermudian airline someday, but in the immediate, he is training to fly regional jets for airlines in the US.

However, he does return to the Island frequently, saying: “There’s no place like Bermuda and I’m fortunate enough to call it home. Being a pilot, sometimes I get to surprise my family.”

And, on the issue of family roots, he speaks in humbleness, continuing: “I was born and raised in Bermuda. My mother’s side of the family is born and bred Bermudian.

“My father is from St. Kitts and as a child watching my aunts and uncles succeed in their careers, it inspired me to excel in all of my endeavours.”

Having graduated from the Berkeley Institute in 1995, then studying at the Bermuda College, he left Bermuda in 1997 to pursue his Bachelor’s Degree in Aviation Management and Flight Operations.

He was named flight instructor of the year during 2006 and 2007 within the Delta Connection Academy.

“As long as I can remember, I have been fascinated by airplanes and their ability to fly,” he reflected.

“It may have been the sound of the engines, or the rush I got during its takeoff and landing. I think my passion derived from first buying a model airplane at four-years-old from the Phoenix Toys Store.

“And, as a kid, I always requested a window seat when travelling, so I could look outside and see how small everything below looked.

“If you think looking out of the window is fun — the view from the cockpit is ten times better — I have come to find out.”

Mr. Wade described the painstaking journey taken for his achievements and portrayed: “The biggest challenge was having to chart my own path and not lose sight of my dream.

“After graduating from Berkeley, I attended the Bermuda College, which served as a pillar of strength and it solidified the foundation to pursue my studies in the United States.

“The public education system didn’t let me down, I’m a testament to that. I believe my teachers knew their content.

“I had no idea what to expect since there was no one I knew that had any experience in flying, other than as a passenger.

“It was up to me to network and get the information necessary for me to succeed and turn my dream into a reality.

“As a Bermudian, I feel very proud of my accomplishments and knowing I’m not the first or only Bermudian pilot, it’s an assurance that I won’t be the last.

“I teach students here at Jacksonville University and I’m also a ‘check pilot’. That means I examine and evaluate students who are ready for their flight tests.”

His mother, Donna Kelley, was filled with pride when speaking to The Royal Gazette <$>about her son’s accomplishments, which she says is no surprise to anyone who knows him.

“Tariq is the type of person who always wanted to give back anyway. He’s helpful as well as very considerate,” she shared.

“When he told me he was going to become a pilot at age four I said ‘leave it to him to want to carry people around the world.’

“He knew he had to leave Bermuda to accomplish his dream and he also knew the chances of him returning and flying an airline for Bermuda would be a challenge, but it didn’t stop him.

“When he was a boy, you never had to wonder what to buy him for his birthday or for Christmas, it was always a toy airplane and he surprisingly knew the technical differences between real airplanes.

“He always read children’s magazines, books, pretty much any literature or publication that featured information or pictures on airplanes.

“On his first airplane trip at age seven — he sat on the plane gazing out of the window — to see a young boy’s eyes just widen to the Nth degree — It was then that I knew he was destined for flying.”

Internet users can watch Mr. Wade in action in a video he posted on the popular video web site, YouTube.

It shows him piloting a plane over Jacksonville, Florida and can be viewed by logging onto www.youtube.com and typing ‘Highflyah79’ into the search box.