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Breaking News: Bermuda comes to a standstill to remember Dame Lois

Members of the Bermuda Regiment carry Dame Lois Browne Evans casket into the Cathedral.

Bermuda came to a standstill today as the funeral took place for champion for justice Dame Lois Browne Evans.

More than 1,000 people packed into the Cathedral – and many thousands more lined the streets for a procession – to pay their final respects to the trailblazing political leader and legendary lawyer.

Members of Dame Lois' family joined Premier Ewart Brown and other politicians to make speeches praising the countless achievements throughout her remarkable life.

“Hers is a void that will not be easily filled,” Dr. Brown told an emotional Cathedral congregation.

The Premier said that he was saddened by Dame Lois' passing, but added that he was proud of the “inspirational” way the community had rallied around to mourn and celebrate her life.

“Each tribute has made me prouder and prouder,” he said.

Deputy Opposition Leader Patricia Gordon-Pamplin said she was proud to walk in Dame Lois' footprints as a woman politician. She described the dame as a “phenomenal woman”.

Dame Lois' protegee Dame Jennifer Smith, a former Premier, said: “There are countless times when I pause to think what would Dame Lois do.”

A tribute written by her son Donald referred to her unselfishness, faith and love for the “back of town” area of Hamilton.

Among a seemingly endless stream of achievements in her life, Dame Lois was Bermuda's first female barrister, first female Attorney General, first black woman to be elected an MP and first woman Opposition Leader in a British Commonwealth.

She died in the early hours of Tuesday from a suspected stroke.

Following the three-hour service, her body was taken in a procession to St. John's Church to be buried.

See full coverage of the funeral in The Royal Gazette tomorrow. Plus see a video and picture slide show tribute to Dame Lois at the Gazette website: www.theroyalgazette.com.