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BIFF<\p>announce lunchtime chats

The Bermuda International Film Festival has announced the line-up for its lunchtime Chats With— panel discussion series.

The Chats With— series will run daily through Thursday, from 12.15-1.15 p.m. at the BIFF Front Room, # 6 Passenger Terminal, Front Street, Hamilton. Admission is free, and food and drink will be available to purchase.

The Chats With — line-up is:

[box] Today: From Script to Screen: Getting Your Short Film in the Can

Filmmakers Neil Leifer ('God's Gift'), Choy Aming ('My Backyard'), and Vicky and Christian Zabriskie ('Beacons') on the process of getting a short film into the can — and onto the screen.

n Tomorrow: Tales from Hollywood

BIFF 2007 jurors Carrie Fisher and Richard Dreyfuss join David Poland of moviecitynews.com and thehotbutton.com for a chat about their film careers.

[box] Thursday: World Cinema: East and West

Filmmakers Robert Favreau ('A Sunday in Kigali', Canada), Aneta Lesnikovska ('Does It Hurt? The First Balkan Dogma', Macedonia) and Dale Kutzera ('Military Intelligence and You!', United States) discuss their films and the film business in their respective countries and around the world.