Wary of repeat of ‘flagrant disregard’ for at-risk youth
Dear Sir,
It takes a lot to get me outraged in my old age, but today that is what I am. Ten children between the ages of 6 and 17 have been sent “2,500 miles away” to be assessed/ confined without legal representation, without anyone to be by their side.
In 2019, the Court of Appeal found the Government “to have shown a ‘flagrant disregard’ for children by failing to introduce a scheme to fund litigation guardians”.
The minister responsible, Tinée Furbert, says, “I’m actually very proud of the litigation process.”
Yet ten children — and I repeat, children — have been sent to a different country, torn away from anything they know, without litigation guardians!
Imagine how terrifying this must be. Certainly possibilities for abuse, humiliation and degradation.
I imagine some of the children have uncontrollable anger issues. How much worse will these become if the children know they are completely cut off?
We don’t need to know the details of every case, but we do need to know that there is someone who is in contact with each child and who follows up on every development.
You are my MP, Mrs Furbert, and you have had my vote and my respect. Please follow through on this.
St George’s