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Input sought on chronic disease programmes

In August 2019, the Bermuda Health Council launched a Chronic Disease Innovation Programme to help provide support for innovative solutions to address Bermuda’s high rates of non-communicable chronic diseases.The high rates of disease means that we are all impacted and therefore all have responsibilities when it comes to improving the health of the population. Those living with or supporting those with a chronic illness should have the option to manage these conditions without missing important events with family and friends. Those with insights into the risks of disease in our communities should have the tools to help. The Chronic Disease Innovation Programme provides an option for all members of the public to submit ideas for high quality, cost effective programmes or initiatives that can address the risks associated with, or the development or progression of, non-communicable chronic diseases. This fund was established to encourage and actually execute on improving our quality of life.Dr. Ricky Brathwaite, Acting CEO / Director, Health Economics comments: “The social determinants of health are those things that impact whether we have good or poor health. “These determinants include the education we receive, how much money we have in our pockets, the social supports we can rely on, the workplaces in which we spend a lot of our time, and the access and coordination of the health services that are within our communities. “This fund can be used to address not only the underlying health conditions our families and friends face, but also can be used to improve our determinants. For example, we know that poor mental health effects our ability to learn and manage our health. “Let’s create programmes in our communities to reduce social isolation. Or a programme to lower the rates of childhood obesity? Let’s create a few more initiatives for our kids to stay active. Or how about sharing data for better coordination of the care we receive? “Let’s build mobile apps that will empower our patients. How about a programme to help our seniors with the cost of their medications. “These are the types of innovations we would like to see. We see how some of these programmes have worked well around the world, and we are looking for our community leaders, schools, providers, interested members of the public, to lead those same initiatives here.”The Innovation Programme is structured so that the public can make suggestions on initiatives they believe will work well here. These initiative ideas will then be grouped into categories based on what problem is being addressed or how it is being addressed. All suggestions will be published online and we invite interested parties to propose a programme or initiative within one of the published categories. We are currently inviting proposals for programmes within the following categories:• Risk assessment/intervention• Disease management/treatment/prevention programmes• Interventions addressing social determinants of health• Support product/service for prevention/management/treatmentTiara Carlington, Project Manager, Public Health Research and Programmes, said: “We often hear providers and members of the public voice concerns about the existence of, and funding available for, programmes or benefits that they feel could contribute positively to the growing burden of chronic disease and associated disability. “We also recognize that with such high local health costs, careful consideration must be given to any system-wide benefit package changes or publicly-funded programmes which inherently limits flexibility via the usual health financing streams. “This Innovation Programme creates an opportunity for providers to propose evidence-based initiatives that are otherwise not funded or underfunded by the current health financing structures, and that will help to better manage the growing burden of chronic disease in Bermuda.”To submit a suggestion for a programme or initiative, visit the BHeC website.For additional queries related to the Chronic Disease Innovation Fund, contact us at 292-6420 or email us at heathcouncil@bhec.bm.• Press release from the Bermuda Heath Council