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Salmon with pistachio crust!

Perfect marriage: Catherine Burns writes that salmon can take quite robust flavours, making a pistachio crust the perfect topping (Photograph supplied)

This week we signed on the dotted line for a new rental. Huge relief as there are about three properties available in Bermuda and finding somewhere to house an Irishman with every bit of sporting equipment under the sun is tricky! Then of course there’s the teens, the cat and the dog.

It’s amazing to me that many landlords are pet-friendly but not teen-friendly, as I know which are tidier! I can’t blame the kids though, they get the organised chaos gene from me. It's taken decades for me to tame it.

These days I am pretty tidy … I just have a real problem putting away laundry. It’s in the “five to ten business days time frame” which seems dumb.

Why would I wash it, fold it and then not bother putting it away? And actually, it’s the Irishman who does most of the washing and the folding … so how rude of me not to put it away.

But you know when you get to the very end of a crazy day, and you’ve managed to keep work and family ticking over nicely, but you have the choice of falling into bed or shoving some socks into drawers? What do you do? The poor socks lose out in our house. Every time.

Having said that, I do get dinner on the table. I would say we have a 97 per cent home-cooked, 3 per cent take-out ratio. So the laundry may be chaotic, but the nutrition is good!

The thing is, everyone has different priorities and I know plenty of people who don’t have time to cook, but have immaculate homes! And that’s fine. Priorities will shift and change over time depending on what you have going on.

But recently we have been talking here about trying to ditch the processed food. And one of the best ways to help the next generation with that, is to make sure they know how to cook quick, simple and affordable recipes.

This week’s recipe is for salmon, but you could use a cheaper white fish if you like.

“You could also replace the pistachios with chopped flaked almonds if they are more affordable. Salmon can take quite robust flavours so though, so if you can swing the pistachios – this is a great one! It also looks really fancy when it’s done, so the kids will be proud of themselves!

You can serve this with greens on the side and then have fruit (carbs) for dessert. Or have it with savoury carbs such as a baked sweet potato, quinoa or rice – just make sure you have half a plate of greens too!

This is also a great protein salad topper if you like to take salads to work for lunch or school – so make extra for you to use through the week!

Salmon with a pistachio crust

(serves 4)


4 salmon fillets, skinless and boneless

2 tsps Dijon mustard

2 tsps honey

4-6 tbsps shelled pistachio nuts or flaked almonds

Salt and pepper


Preheat the oven to 375F.

Finely chop the pistachios or almonds and set to one side.

Grease a large baking dish or tray and place the salmon fillets on it, spaced apart.

In a small bowl, mix together the mustard, honey and a pinch of salt and pepper. Divide the mixture between the four fillets and spread it on top of each one – I used the back of a teaspoon to spread it.

Using your fingers, sprinkle the top of each salmon fillet with the pistachios til they are coated.

Press down gently to make sure the pistachios are firmly stuck on.

Pop in the oven and bake for 15 minutes until the flesh of the salmon is opaque all the way through.

Serve as you wish based on the suggestions above! Enjoy!

The advice given in this article is not intended to replace medical advice, but to complement it. Always consult your GP if you have any health concerns. Catherine Burns BA Hons, Dip ION, BNTA is a fully qualified Nutritional Therapist trained by the Institute for Optimum Nutrition in the UK She works at Waterfront Wellness in Bermuda. Join Catherine on Facebook: www.facebook.com/nutrifitandnaturalnutritionbermuda or instagram @naturalbda

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Published May 03, 2024 at 7:59 am (Updated May 03, 2024 at 7:22 am)

Salmon with pistachio crust!

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