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Teenager arrested in connection with shooting

A daytime shooting in the Middle Town Lane area of Pembroke (Photograph supplied)

A teenager has been arrested in connection with a daylight shooting that injured four men, police have confirmed.

A police spokesman said that the male, aged 18, was picked up during an ongoing investigation into the shooting at the Middle Town Lane area of Pembroke.

The incident took place at about 2pm on May 2. All four victims were admitted to hospital.

Two of those injured have been released. The other two remain in hospital, with one in critical condition.

Detective Chief Inspector Derricka Burns, of the Serious Crime Unit, said: “Crimes of this nature threaten the wellbeing and safety of our entire community.

“While your Bermuda Police Service continues to diligently work to investigate and solve crime, the community must do its part by providing any information they may have on this or any other criminal activity.

“We are all in this together.”

Anyone with information on the shooting can contact Ms Burns at 717-0921, or by e-mailing dburns@bps.bm

The public can also call the main police number, 211, or the confidential Crime Stoppers hotline, 800-8477.

Information can also be shared with a trusted police officer or through the community reporting portal.