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Police guard the scene of the murder of Diante Trimm last week (Photograph by Sékou Hendrickson)

Dear Sir,

With reference to the editorial that published on June 12, 2024, yes indeed, we are outraged enough!

It is hard to believe that the Bermuda I first set foot on in November 1968 has become somewhat of a Wild, Wild West. The violence, and in some cases total disregard for law and order, is astounding. We see such behaviour in many other parts of the world and, over the years, that behaviour has sadly reached our shores. Granted, we are small, so whatever negative occurrences happen here become instantly known to everyone.

With regard to the absolute horror show on our roads, don’t some of you remember “back in the day” when you wouldn’t take a chance driving erratically for fear of being pulled over and possibly lose your driving privileges. The thought of injuring someone or, worse, killing someone — or yourself — doesn’t even seem to be a deterrent. Years ago, it was not so much a fear of the police but a respect — something that seems to be sorely lacking today.

The feeling that it is not a crime if we don’t get caught is rampant.

But the truly sad state of affairs with the violent crimes — stabbings, shootings, etc — is, to say the least, heartbreaking.

The tried and true saying, “If you see something, say something”, comes to mind. For those who complain that the police never solve any serious crimes, it is no wonder. Without help from those who have witnessed a violent act, where do they begin?

If you want Bermuda to degenerate further into absolute chaos, keep your mouth shut. Aren’t there enough of us who love this island enough to help those who need our help.



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Published June 14, 2024 at 7:58 am (Updated June 14, 2024 at 7:29 am)

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