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Police recall arrest of double-murder suspect

Police officers yesterday outlined the arrest of a man accused of a double homicide and multiple firearms-related charges.

Pc Anthony Smith, with the Armed Response Team, told the Supreme Court that he was part of the group tasked with arresting Syhon Akinstall, 22, from a Pembroke residence on October 28, 2021.

Mr Smith said that his team organised an “overt containment” to ensure that no one got in or out of the property.

He added that after being called out of the residence, Mr Akinstall “made himself known to police” and was arrested on suspicion of murder and the use of a firearm.

Mr Akinstall has denied the murders of Ayinde Eve and Micah Davis, as well as the attempted murders of Troy Eve Burgess and Derrick Golding, a police sergeant.

He also denied four counts of the use of a firearm to commit an indictable offence, namely the alleged murders and alleged attempted murders.

He has been charged in connection with a shooting at the Robin Hood Pub and Restaurant in Pembroke on October 26, 2021.

Mr Smith told the court that Mr Akinstall was handed over to the investigating unit to be interviewed at Hamilton Police Station.

He said that he and several colleagues did a sweep of the apartment.

Mr Smith said that at no point did he touch Mr Akinstall’s hands or ears, and that the last time he discharged his firearm prior to the arrest was in May that same year.

During cross-examination by Marc Daniels, for the defence, he admitted that some suspects when being arrested on suspicion of a firearm offence have their hands bagged or covered.

But he added: “We don’t always have time to do the macarena when arresting a firearm suspect.”

Detective Constable Timothy Harvey said that he was tasked with transporting Mr Akinstall from the Pembroke residence to the police station.

He said that he sat with the defendant, who warned him that he had a folding knife in his waistband that he was using for housework prior to his arrest.

Mr Harvey said that while at Hamilton Police Station, they conducted a gunshot residue examination before holding him for questioning.

He added that he wore gloves at the time.

Under cross-examination, Mr Harvey confirmed that he had attended the Robin Hood after the shooting.

He said that he did not remember whether he wore gloves, but added that he “most likely” did “because of the situation”.

However, after a review of CCTV footage, Mr Harvey conceded that he did not wear gloves.

Detective Sergeant Odessa Philip said that she conducted an interview with Mr Akinstall about the incident, where he answered “no comment” to all questions.

She also collected DNA samples from his mouth with a swab the next day.

Detective Constable Christopher Sabean said that he was one of two “search officers” tasked with finding potential evidence.

He was accompanied by a notes officer, who recorded all the potential evidence, and an exhibit officer, who ensured that it was preserved safely.

Mr Sabean said that he seized a black Nike-brand sweatshirt and black sweatpants from the apartment’s bedroom.

He added that he also took a pair of black-and-grey Nike-brand shoes from a different room.

The trial continues.

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