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Cup Match walkabouts to tell history of West End

The Friends of Sandys’ Emancipation Cup Match Walkabout (Photograph supplied)

A West End organisation will host two walking tours that will offer people the chance to learn about history in the area.

The Emancipation Cup Match Walkabout, hosted by Friends of Sandys, will take attendees throughout Somerset during morning walks.

A spokeswoman for the group said that the walkabout would offer “stories of yesteryear” which will include information about Emancipation Day and the creation of Cup Match.

The history of Somerset Cricket Club and the Friendly Society in Somerset, which helped create Cup Match, will also be highlighted.

The walks will start at Springfield near MarketPlace, Sandys, at 8am and last until about 10am. Parking will be held at the Warren Simmons Community Field.

The walks will be held on July 7 and 13, with a rain date of July 21.

Attendees were asked to bring refreshments for the walk.

For more information, contact Friends of Sandys at friendsofsandys@gmail.com

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Published June 26, 2024 at 2:30 pm (Updated June 28, 2024 at 9:33 pm)

Cup Match walkabouts to tell history of West End

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