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Superfood Salad with maple miso dressing

Good news: it is never too late to start reaping the benefits of healthy living, nutritionist Catherine Burns writes (Photograph submitted)

I read something earlier this week that said: “When you turn 40, you’ll see a divide between those who took care of their bodies and those who didn’t.” This really resonated with me, because while it doesn’t allow for accidents, bad luck with illness or good old genetics (that may work for or against you), I would say that as a general rule, I do see this play out in my clinic.

It’s not necessarily fair to point a finger at someone and say “it’s your fault that you’re overweight” — or lethargic, sick, or prematurely ageing — but those who have been actively involved in healthy behaviours certainly have a head start.

Sometimes, we need a little bit of a reality check and to pause when we look in the mirror.

Are we feeling less than our best because of factors beyond our control, or is it because we’ve been a bit fast and loose with our diets, built a life that runs on stress and haven’t prioritised exercise and good sleep habits?

Sometimes, an honest reflection on how we’ve treated our bodies doesn’t feel all that comfortable. But the good news is that it’s never too late to start reaping the benefits of healthy living.

Changing habits is hard — especially when they are lifelong — but the better energy, improved hormone balance, good mood and a stronger, more lean body composition, all become really motivating when the results roll in.

The thing is, if you’re going to make healthy living a permanent lifestyle, you have to find tasty recipes and this is one of my favourites for summer!

As usual, it’s super-versatile — essential for Bermuda shopping when it’s sometimes hard to find everything on your list.

Switch around the veggies to use up leftovers, or to take advantage of whatever looks delicious at your local farm stand.

I’m a huge fan of the edamame in this salad which provides a decent dose of protein. Just defrost shelled edamame from the freezer section.

Although this is a vegan recipe, there’s nothing to stop you adding shredded leftover roast chicken or a sprinkling of feta, too — either would be amazing. Enjoy!

Superfood salad with maple miso dressing

(serves 6)


• 6 cups torn kale leaves (stems removed) or arugula

•2 cups finely chopped red cabbage

• 1 cup shelled edamame

• 1 cup chopped English cucumber

• 1 cup cooked leftover brown rice or quinoa

• 1 avocado, diced

• 1 large carrot peeled & grated

• 12 baby tomatoes, halved

• 3 tablespoons toasted sesame seeds

• ¼-½ cup maple miso dressing (below)


1, Wash the kale well in warm water, rubbing the leaves gently to soften them. No need to rub arugula if you use it!

2, In a large serving bowl, combine the leaves, red cabbage, edamame, cucumber, rice, avocado, carrot, tomatoes and sesame seeds. Toss to combine.

3, If serving right away, pour the Miso Dressing over top and toss to coat the salad.

4, If serving later, cover the salad and refrigerate. Dress the entire salad before serving, or dress in portions if not serving the entire salad at once.

Maple Miso Dressing


• 2 tablespoons white or yellow miso (check it’s gluten free if need be)

• 2 tablespoons low sodium tamari sauce

• 2 tablespoons fresh lime juice

• 2 tablespoons water

• 1 tablespoon maple syrup

• 1 garlic clove grated on microplane or very finely chopped

• 2 teaspoons grated fresh ginger or very finely chopped

• 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil

• 2 teaspoons sesame oil


1, In a medium bowl, whisk together the miso, soy sauce, lime juice, water, maple, garlic and ginger

2, While whisking, slowly drizzle in the olive oil and sesame oil

3, Serve, or cover and store in the refrigerator

The advice given in this article is not intended to replace medical advice, but to complement it. Always consult your GP if you have any health concerns. Catherine Burns BA Hons, Dip ION, BNTA is a fully qualified Nutritional Therapist trained by the Institute for Optimum Nutrition in Britain. Join Catherine on Facebook: www.facebook.com/nutrifitandnaturalnutritionbermuda or instagram @naturalbda

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Published June 28, 2024 at 7:29 am (Updated June 28, 2024 at 6:51 am)

Superfood Salad with maple miso dressing

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