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Two adults and two children found dead in apartment

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Police at Pembroke where the bodies of four people, two adults and two children, were found (Photograph Blaire Simmons)

Four people, two adults and two minors, were found dead at an apartment in South Terrace, Pembroke, police said today.

Both police and first responders attended the scene of the unresponsive people at the premises shortly after noon today, police said at a press conference.

Na’imah Astwood, the Acting Commissioner of Police, said: “Upon arrival, officers found four persons, two adults and two minors, unresponsive inside the premises.

“An on-call doctor attended and their deaths were pronounced at the scene shortly thereafter.”

Na’imah Astwood, the Deputy Commissioner of Police who held a press conference on the discovery of four bodies, two children and two adults, today (Photograph Blaire Simmons)

Police did not describe the event as a homicide.

Officers have underscored the sensitivity of the incident and declined to provide any ages of the dead.

Ms Astwood added that while there had been “widespread speculation” about the incident, the investigation was still in its early days.

However, she said there was no indication that there was any direct connection between the deaths and the fatal shooting of Diante Trimm in the same complex last month.

“We are actively working to gather more information and a thorough investigation is under way to determine the circumstances surrounding the deaths of these four individuals,” she said.

“We urge the public to remain calm and co-operative as we carry out our investigation.

“Further updates on this matter will be provided as additional information becomes available. In the meantime, we ask for the public’s understanding and support as we work to uncover the truth behind this tragic incident.”

Asked if the incident was being investigated as a homicide, Superintendent Sherwin Joseph said that it was still early in the investigative process but officers with the Serious Crime Unit were involved.

“We are keeping an open mind into the investigation at this time,” he added.

Anyone with information about the incident are urged to contact Detective Chief Inspector Derricka Burns of the Serious Crime Unit at 717-0921 or by e-mail at dburns@bps.bm.

Information can also be provided through the confidential Crimestoppers hotline at 800-8477.

An area resident said this afternoon that the community was shocked by the tragedy.

“Lots of people are outside still, milling around. Most are in a state of shock,” he said. “The whole thing is just very sad. It’s a sad, gruesome, tragic event.

“It is the most police I have ever seen in one place in a long time, plain-clothed and in uniform.”

He said that a crowd began to gather early this afternoon and remained there for hours as officers carried out their investigation.

Another resident said that he had heard a number of rumours about what had happened which he hoped were untrue.

“I can’t think of another time something like this has happened on the island,” he said. “It’s heartbreaking.

“The community was already hurting after what happened last month and this is just another blow, another tragedy, in the same place.”

David Burt, the Premier, also called on the public to co-operate with the investigation, writing on the social media platform X: “I would urge all to co-operate with the investigation so that all facts can be established surrounding what appears to be a very tragic incident.”