Hospitality accreditation scheme reopens
Hospitality businesses interested in receiving national recognition for their quality customer service can enrol again this month in an accreditation programme run by the Bermuda Tourism Authority.
The 2019-20 online application process for the National Service Standards Programme reopens tomorrow, and runs through October 4.
Three special information sessions will be held around the island next week allowing interested businesses to learn more about the programme:
• Central, Wednesday, September 18, 8am — 9.30am, BTA offices, 22 Church St, Hamilton;
• East End, Friday, September 20, 8am — 9.30am, Visitor Services Centre, 25 York St, St George; and
• West End, Friday, September 20, 3.30pm — 5pm, Wedco offices, Clocktower Mall, 2nd floor, Dockyard.
Twenty-three companies are currently qualified with National Service Standards Certification; they are identified on the BTA’s website with a pink star and appear at the top of search listings in their respective sectors.
Karla Lacey, chief operating officer at the BTA, said: “We’re proud of the growing list of companies that are now recognised for their commitment to quality customer service — their efforts are enhancing Bermuda’s tourism product. We invite any business striving to deliver quality service to discover the benefits of this programme.”
The programme was created four years ago by the BTA to benchmark and promote professional standards in the tourism industry. Companies that apply carry out various criteria over the course of a year, from customer, staff and management surveys to “mystery shopper” visits and online ratings via portals such as Trip Advisor and Google. Those awarded accreditation receive a valuable package of recognition benefits.
Qualified NSSC holders to date include: & Partners, Alexandra Mosher Studio Jewellery, Barracuda Grill, Beauty Queen Day Spa, Bermuda Bride, Bermuda Perfumery, Bermuda Transit Services, Devil’s Isle Café, Dolphin Quest, Dowling’s Marine & Auto Services, Flanagan’s Irish Pub, Frog & Onion Pub, Fun Golf, Inverurie Executive Suites, Island Tour Centre, Lili Bermuda, Newstead Belmont Hills Golf Resort & Spa, Pickled Onion Restaurant & Bar, Ptix, Rosedon Hotel, Royal Palms Hotel, Tobacco Bay, and Tuckinn Rentals.
• For more details on the NSSP, contact the BTA at 296-9200 or
• To learn more about NSSP requirements or sign up your business, register at from September 13 until October 4