Renovations under way at petrol station
The Port Royal Esso Station in Southampton is closed for renovations.
Che Barker, a retail sales executive for station owner Sol Petroleum Bermuda, said work began at the facility on Middle Road immediately after it closed on Monday.
Works, which include replacing the canopy, upgrading pumps and improving the station’s interior, should be completed by March.
Mr Barker explained: “We will also be taking out some of the piping to bring it up to environmental code — when we do a big project like this, we like to do as much as we can.
“It’s always difficult to close a station that’s supported so much by the community there, but we believe that these upgrades will add to the experiences that people have with our other service stations.
“We look forward to getting back open and improving the level of customer service and products that we have and offering an improved experience for all our customers.”