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Your healthy kick-start for 2025

Building a foundation: Catherine Burns, left, and Christina Dotson, of Waterfront Wellness, bring you their Healthy Kick-start (Photograph submitted)

How are those new year’s resolutions coming along? I don’t really have any, other than for the baby! I’ve asked him to: 1, Sleep through the night; and 2, Stop having diaper explosions in public. Re the former, he looked me dead in the eye and giggled.

I am not sure there is hope any time soon. Re the latter, one of the most recent was in the Botanical Gardens, where upon I changed his diaper in the shade of a hedge. Another was at a friend’s house in Fairylands.

I’d explained on the way there that blowing through one’s diaper was Not The Done Thing in Fairylands, but he did not listen. Boys will be boys and this one appears to love being naked in front of other people. God help us all.

However, if you’re doing better than me on the resolution front ― good on you! I’ll be passing the Tuck Shop later on today and I asked Belle if she wanted anything.

She said no, that she was “locked in” to her goals. Impressive! Some people respond so well to having a goal and going for it.

Others get overwhelmed or lose interest, usually because the goal is too ambitious or vague. This is one of the reasons why Beat the Couch (our popular beginner’s ten week running programme) works so well.

It’s realistic and is structured, organised and hits a sweet spot in terms of commitment length.

It’s short enough for success to feel within reach, but long enough to cement in new habits that have a chance of being lifelong. (We’ll have details for you on the next season soon ― beginning end of February.)

Generally though, when it comes to nutrition, I find that making small changes and building on them gradually is the way to go.

That’s why every January, we (Waterfront Wellness, partnered with Miles Market) publish our Healthy Kick-start to help people get rolling on the basics that build a foundation of preventive healthcare.

When you’re on a healthkick, it’s easy to overlook the simple things but the simple things are those that cumulatively, have the best chance of getting you actual results.

So what are they? See below, or pop over to www.miles.bm for the digital version with four of our favourite recipes too. It’s free for everyone in our community. Let us know how you get on!

Healthy habits – our six essentials

Many people do really well in one or two of these areas, but struggle with the rest. The truth is, they are all important. What can you add in to your routine over the next few weeks to take your health up a notch?


Did you know?

If you feel thirsty, you are already dehydrated,

If you are even a little dehydrated, sports performance will be impaired,

Dehydration can contribute to false appetite signalling, cravings for junk, migraine headaches and even increases your risk of heart attack and stroke, and

The first sign of dehydration in general is fatigue.

Goals: Drink enough fluids through the day to keep your urine pale yellow. Drink most of this in between meals. Feeling tired? Have a glass of water before you reach for a cup of coffee or a snack.

Tips: Sparkling water, herbal teas and healthy electrolytes (e.g. Nuun) can all be part of a healthy fluid intake. If you drink herbal teas with citric acid, rinse with water afterwards to protect your tooth enamel. If you drink flavoured waters, avoid artificial colours, flavours and sweeteners. We like Spindrift best!

Balance your blood sugar

Well balanced blood sugar is key to preventing an accumulation of visceral fat. Visceral fat is a more liquid layer of fat wrapped around organs on the inside of the body. It can contribute to visible weight gain (but not always; thin people sometimes have a lot.) The bigger concern is that visceral fat generates chemicals that contribute to the development of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer and even Alzheimer’s.

The good news is that eating in a way that balances blood sugar is easy AND it significantly improves energy, mood, focus, concentration, appetite control and hormone balance.

NOTE: If you have diabetes or pre-diabetes, you must follow dietary guidelines given to you by your doctor or registered Dietitian.


Avoid refined carbs (e.g. white rice/flour) and sugars (e.g. regular cookies, candy, ice cream.)

Include more savoury breakfasts (e.g. an omelette or avocado on toast)

When you have a sweet breakfast, make sure you include protein (for example, add nuts to cereal, add collagen to oatmeal/fruit, or protein powder to a smoothie.)

At lunchtime and dinner, eat most of your veggies and protein first, before the carbs.

Always make sure that half your plate at lunch and dinner is non-starchy vegetables such a broccoli, green beans, peppers, asparagus, zucchini, leafy greens, onions, mushrooms and cauliflower. (Carrots, corn, pumpkin and butternut squash are starchy so they don’t count!)

Wash rice before cooking and rinse with boiling water from a kettle after cooking, in order to remove excess starch.

When you make starchy carbs like rice, potatoes, pumpkin, squash or pasta, try and leave enough time to allow them to cool, refrigerate for 20 minutes and then reheat them! This process helps create resistant starch which is easier on your blood sugar.

Be informed! Check your visceral fat level using InBody technology at Waterfront Wellness. Free for members or just $40 for anyone else.

Tips: Bulk cook starches so that you don’t always have to leave time for them to cook and chill. Store extra portions in the fridge or freezer and then just heat them up as you need them. Note that you shouldn’t store cooked rice for longer than two days in the fridge, but it is OK to freeze it.


Exercise is amazing for improving body composition ― increasing muscle mass and reducing overall percentage body fat. It also:

• Improves bone density

• Boosts the immune system

• Improves sleep

• Nourishes the nervous system (better mood, less anxiety)

• Produces chemicals that improve the efficacy of insulin.*

*This results in better blood sugar control, meaning that exercise is useful for diabetes prevention, over and above any impact that it has on weight.

Goals: Try to get moving every day, even if it’s for a short walk. Get outside in the fresh air and leave your phone behind (or don’t check it) for a digital break.

Tips: Walking in bare feet on the sand or grass is especially grounding and has surprising benefits for reducing stress and improving relaxation. Find exercise that you enjoy ― keep trying different things until you find something you love. It’s easier to maintain a habit you like.


You can sleep your way to better health. Deep sleep.

Promotes cellular repair (anti-ageing and disease prevention),

Helps you store learnt information in your long-term memory,

Reduces cravings for carbohydrates, and

Boosts your immune system significantly.

Goals: Aim to get at least seven hours sleep a night. Monitor your deep sleep cycles using a fitness device or App to check you are getting sufficient deep sleep.

Tips: You can improve the duration of deep sleep by doing deep breathing or meditation before bed. Magnesium (depleted by stress) is often helpful for improving sleep so supplements can be useful. Put down devices and switch off the TV an hour before bed as this overstimulates the adrenal glands, interfering with restful sleep.

Breathe deeply/Meditate

Did you know?

Deep breathing and meditation can significantly reduce stress, improving resilience and boosting the immune system,

They improve focus and concentration through the day, and

People who do well in this area tend to have better and prolonged REM sleep.

Goals: Start with a 5-minute meditation at the beginning or end of every day. Practice the 4-7-8 breathing technique every night when you’re in bed, just before going to sleep. We have a QR code that links to a demo video for this in the online version at www.miles.bm.

Tips: These habits can be hard to establish, especially for those with busy/racing minds. You might find guided meditation apps easiest (such as Calm or Balance) or try a yoga class that includes a short meditation at the end. Some people meditate on the move! Just try being more mindful when you are out in nature.

Reduce your exposure to environmental chemicals

Your body has an amazing inbuilt detoxification system, but it’s easily overloaded: exhaust fumes, air fresheners, cleaning sprays, perfumes, body lotion, sunscreen, hair products, make up, chemicals in junk-food, pesticides on produce … these are just some of the things that need to be detoxified.


Replace some regular cleaning products in your home with more natural alternatives,

Wash your produce before you consume it,

Eat more fruit and vegetables ― the fibre and antioxidants help remove excess toxins from your system, and

Test out some natural body care or cosmetics.

Tips: You can make a cheap and effective glass cleaner using 50 per cent water, 50 per cent white vinegar in a spray bottle. Use newspaper with this as a cloth (the carbon absorbs grease on glass.) Look in your local grocery store for more gentle (and environmentally friendly) cleaning options ― we have lots in Miles!

The advice given in this article is not intended to replace medical advice, but to complement it. Always consult your GP if you have any health concerns. Catherine Somorjay Burns BA Hons, Dip ION, BNTA is a fully qualified Nutritional Therapist trained by the Institute for Optimum Nutrition in the UK Join Catherine on Facebook: www.facebook.com/nutrifitandnaturalnutritionbermuda or instagram @naturalbda

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Published January 31, 2025 at 7:59 am (Updated January 31, 2025 at 7:55 am)

Your healthy kick-start for 2025

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