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Bermuda, this is our life – choose carefully

Go back to the basics: Linda Smith is the approved One Bermuda Alliance candidate for Southampton West Central (Constituency 31) (Photograph by Akil Simmons)

David Burt has just announced that the Progressive Labour Party will release its election platform on February 6, less than two weeks before the General Election.

By way of contrast, the One Bermuda Alliance released its platform on September 30, 2024, during the party conference and, since then, it has been available for all to see on our website

The Premier repeatedly tells us that the economy is performing well and that everything is going to get even better, as more tax breaks and concessions are in the pipeline. He also wants us to believe that whatever pain we might be feeling as individuals, it is left over from the pandemic and the result of the rising global cost of living.

Well, few would argue that the pandemic was painful, and Bermuda does feel the effect of higher global prices, but that is by far not the whole story.

Way before the pandemic, government spending on capital projects and operational activities was bloated and beaten to failure by misplaced and bad decisions. Although there are many examples, two that quickly come to mind are the Grand Atlantic, which has cost taxpayers greatly, and the Bermuda Gaming Commission, which has failed to deliver anything.

There used to be two major pillars of our economy: tourism and international business. Tourism, upon which many Bermudians built and enjoyed successful careers, is a skeleton of its former self. Add to that the Bermuda Tourism Authority, which should be driving Bermuda’s international reputation as a premier holiday destination, but instead seems to have become dysfunctional with the focus now on its own internal operational cultural issues.

Given the state of our local economy, thank goodness international business is performing well. Yes, it is good news but not good enough, and not the whole story.

More than 6,000 Bermudians have left Bermuda. These are our family members, friends and neighbours who paid taxes and shared the burden of the cost of public services. In addition to the sad break-up of multigenerational families, look around and we can see the results of living without them. There are fewer Bermudians and less money to pay for education, roadworks, social services and public safety. Given our situation, the Premier’s promise of future tax breaks seems like robbing Peter to pay Paul.

The OBA platform outlines a back-to-basics economic plan — spend less than you earn, pay off your bills and create revenue-generating opportunities for Bermudians.

As we get closer to election day, consider whether you are better off now than you were in 2017. Is Bermuda better off?

The storytelling and insult-slinging leading up to election day will be entertaining, but we are not living in a sitcom or a serial drama. This is our life, and the decisions each of us takes in this election will have significant consequences. Please take the time to review the platforms, consider the issues and ask the serious and hard questions. The time for change is now.

• Linda Smith is the approved One Bermuda Alliance candidate for Southampton West Central (Constituency 31) in the next General Election

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