Where in the world is Scott?
Dear Jarion, where in the world is Scott Pearman? Before I continue, let me say I love you unconditionally, as our mothers would expect, and that blood is thicker than politics.
We are all in agreement that the Progressive Labour Party cannot remain in government, and I applaud your efforts thus far to remove them. However, a common theme in Constituency 22 is that the One Bermuda Alliance has never canvassed the entire constituency.
Mr Pearman has never stepped foot in Tribe Road No 5, and to date has never contacted the families of Quincy Simmons or Kenni Outerbridge. Both men were victims of gun crime in the constituency where the Shadow Minister of Justice is the representative in the House of Assembly.
In 2022, when there was a shooting in Fritholme Gardens, he was quick to release a statement. Why is he comfortable representing only one segment of the constituency?.
As part of my ongoing advocacy for Gilbert Institute, I attended their cross-country races and spoke with parents. They organised a protest, and at this protest was the first time I’ve seen him in the constituency.
You have had years to represent the parents and children at Gilbert Institute; instead, you waited for an election to get called to get involved. That is not proper representation; it’s smoke and mirrors, and the residents of Paget East deserve better.
I canvassed the St Michaels area, and not only are the residents against the closure of Gilbert Institute, they are also afraid that the unknown time frame of construction to repurpose the school will cause traffic delays, loud noise and reduced property values.
Many of these residents are senior citizens on fixed incomes trying to navigate the ever-increasing health insurance premiums. Many have decided to gamble with FutureCare, which in some instances has left them frustrated and struggling to afford specialist visits and mental health care.
On Harvey Road, the residents fear the dangerous driving on their road. If Mr Pearman had ever canvassed the area, he would notice how dangerous that road could be. Three families have made contact with the Department of Works and Engineering in the past four years, and the only thing they’ve done is give a free mirror to a resident.
The people want speed bumps to not only protect life but also their property. Many homes are on the roadside and would be damaged in a high-speed collision. It has come to the point where I am organising a private company to survey the roads, and once that is completed, we will get a permit, and myself and six of my mates are going to install speed bumps.
Furthermore, the reasons you gave publicly for expelling Vic Ball from the OBA were that he did not canvass or regularly update your voter database. If that is the truth, then why has Mr Pearman not been sanctioned by your party for his inactivity in Constituency 22? Why the double standard here?
So you’re going to ask, “Well, what have you done?” So far, I’ve done this:
• Registered residents for supplemental trash collection at $6 per week. (So far, there are six registered and due to start collection next month. If any other residents in the constituency would like to register, visit pageteast.com)
• Through my preferential employment programme, I have already connected two residents to one business in the constituency, and they are due to start work soon
• Begun the process of having bulk shopping days and discount days at a local grocer. This initiative is set to start in April and lowers the cost of living for the residents
• Advocated for Gilbert Institute to remain open or for the Government to provide transitional support to the parents
In closing, the residents of Constituency 22 deserve proper representation. The idea of a safe seat because of party alliance is dead.
Love you always.
• Rayki Bascome-Emery is the independent candidate for Paget East (Constituency 22)
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