Marsh Folly residents warned of septage removal operation
The Ministry of Public Works today warned of unpleasant odours over the next week as biannual septage disposal operations take place.
Residents around the Marsh Folly Composting Facility in Pembroke were assured that the disposal operations near them would pose no environmental risk.
The Tynes Bay Septage Receiving Facility in Devonshire collects residential and commercial cesspit waste from around the island.
The public works ministry said the waste solids must be removed from the facility every six months and transported to Marsh Folly.
It assured members of the public that high-standard health and safety measures would be in place during this time.
The disposal effort will run between today and Friday from 7.30am to 4pm.
The Ministry of Public Works apologised for any inconvenience and thanked the residents for their co-operation.