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Roads enforcement is all our problem

Dear Sir,

Having ridden a moped or motorcycle since 1961, I totally reject your correspondent’s opinion in today’s paper (February 3, 2025) asking for their abolition by 2030 and replacing them with electric cycles. Some of those cycles go faster than 45mph.

The answer is greater police involvement and greater penalties with confiscation of the vehicle.

I have been told we do not have the legislation to do that. Well, the Progressive Labour Party had a large majority in the House of Assembly and could have passed such legislation. But, and it is a big “but”, the voters would not have liked losing their vehicles.

Where there is a will, there is a way. Excessive speed? Under the influence of alcohol or drugs? The response seems to be, “Not my problem!”



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Published February 12, 2025 at 7:55 am (Updated February 12, 2025 at 7:51 am)

Roads enforcement is all our problem

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