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Scott Barnes racks up fourth Winter Tour Championship

Scott Barnes came out on top in Winter Series Tour

Scott Barnes has carried his winning form into 2025 after again coming out victorious in the Skusa Winter Tour in the United States.

Barnes won his fourth championship in a row this month, with the tour consisting of four rounds over two weekends. The Bermudian was thankful that drivers were allowed to drop their worst race after mechanical issues forced him out of the last of the four finals.

“Your best three rounds count and you’re allowed to drop the worst one from the championship,” Barnes said.

“We won three out of four finals; it should have been all four but three laps to go before the end of the final round, my motor locked up and we had to retire.

“This is the fourth championship in a row. We came second our first year and it’s cool to have won it the last four times. Every year we seem to be getting better and beating the competition out here. The numbers in this series haven’t been as great as the Pro Tour, but every year we’ve beaten different guys; we’re not just racing the same guys every year.”

There is no chance that Barnes will become complacent, as he insists success gets more difficult as the years roll on.

Scott Barnes, centre, on the podium after the Winter Tour

“It’s always harder to keep winning,” Barnes said.

“The second is always harder than the first and so on, but anytime you win a championship is great and it’s always good to add to the trophy collection. In racing, you never know when the next win is going to come, so you have to cherish it when it comes.

“So it was great to get four in a row, especially as two days before the series started I pulled out and I wasn’t going to race as my dog suddenly died. We weren’t sure we were going to be able to compete, but I’m glad we stuck at it and were able to win.”

Barnes is now looking ahead to the rest of 2025 as he seeks to continue his winning run.

“This has definitely built confidence, which is crucial in racing, so I’m looking forward to starting the Pro Tour in four weeks and hopefully we can carry forward some of the results,” Barnes said.

“The first one starts in Texas at the end of March and there are three events in March, May and July. It takes up the whole of summer but I’m going to try to sneak one or two others race in between, even though I’m busy in the summer with my fishing business.

“Last year we had 14 international races in the US and this year we have got ten to 12 lined up. I have to thank my new sponsor this year, All Rise, as we couldn’t do any of this without them. Butterfield & Vallis and Powerade also came back on board this year and it’s great to have these Bermuda companies behind me and sponsoring me. It helps big time.”

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Published February 26, 2025 at 8:00 am (Updated February 26, 2025 at 8:03 am)

Scott Barnes racks up fourth Winter Tour Championship

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