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Timely facts about Caricom

The Secretariat of the Caribbean Community is the principal administrative organ for the Caribbean Community

It is of no surprise that certain organisations and political entities continue to attempt to cloud an issue that has been clarified previously.

So, for the sake of clarity let us repeat a few facts re Caricom.

• Bermuda first obtained observer status of Caricom under the United Bermuda Party

• Caricom is an association of 22 countries in the Caribbean Sea and Atlantic Ocean. Bermuda, Bahamas and Turks & Caicos Islands are the three island groups in the Atlantic Ocean

• Of those countries, 15 are Full Members and seven are Associate Members — Bermuda has been an Associate Member for more than 20 years

• Five of the British colonies/Overseas Territories are only Associate Members — Anguilla, Bermuda, Cayman Islands, Turks & Caicos and British Virgin Islands

Facts v Fiction

• Regarding the claim that Caricom nations have to share each other’s finances — completely false. Each country’s financial affairs are separate. If that were the case, member countries would be joint owners of Guyana’s 11 billion barrels of oil

• As we are British colonies/Overseas Territories, we had to first ask permission from Britain even to become an Associate Member. We further had to ask the British Government’s permission just to find out the requirements to become a full-time member

• Specifically regarding the claim that Bermuda is signing up or has signed up for Freedom of Movement of Labour — again completely false. Remember we remain a British colony, and they do not allow open borders

• Under the Progressive Labour Party, Bermuda has a stringent immigration regime in which qualified Bermudians must get preference for employment


• Annually, the 14 remaining British colonies are required to travel to London to report to the British Government. Yet the critics do not complain about that trip. Why is that?

• The biggest critics of Caricom are the supporters of making it easier for non-Bermudians to gain work permits

“The One Bermuda Alliance is committed to implementing a data-driven system that accelerates the work-permit process”

— Ben Smith (OBA deputy leader, February 7, 2025)

In closing, you be the judge of why those who are so pro-immigration are so anti-Caricom.

Love and respect.

Christopher Famous is the government MP for Devonshire East (Constituency 11). You can reach him on WhatsApp at 599-0901 or e-mail at carib_pro@yahoo.com

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Published March 01, 2025 at 8:00 am (Updated March 01, 2025 at 8:13 am)

Timely facts about Caricom

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