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Lancashire Holdings approves board committee appointments

Nathalie Rachou, non-executive director, Lancashire Holdings Ltd (File photograph)

The board of Bermudian-based Lancashire Holdings Ltd has approved a raft of committee appointments.

Nathalie Rachou has been appointed as a member of both the audit committee and the investment committee; Linda Ventresca has been appointed as a member of the remuneration committee; and Bob Cox has been appointed as a member of the underwriting and underwriting risk committee.

All three appointees sit on the board as non-executive directors.

Matthew Narbett, deputy group chief underwriting officer (non-director), has been appointed as a member of the underwriting and underwriting risk committee.

In addition, Lancashire said Ms Rachou is expected to assume the role of chairwoman of the investment committee immediately following the company’s annual general meeting on April 30.

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Published March 09, 2025 at 5:00 pm (Updated March 09, 2025 at 9:57 am)

Lancashire Holdings approves board committee appointments

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