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Traffic flow plans in Devonshire should be scrapped

The disputed area for a proposed new road layout in Devonshire (Photograph by Akil Simmons)

Dear Sir,

Work is well under way to reconfigure traffic flow at the confluence where Watlington Road West and Watlington Road East meet Brighton Hill Road, Devonshire — just west of Lindo’s Market.

This project is intended to create a four-way stop. It should be scrapped dead in its tracks; otherwise, horrific accidents, including deaths, are sure to take place.

There is no reason under the sun to interfere with the existing situation, which has worked perfectly from time immemorial. It is not broken -- there is no need to alter it.

It is plain as a pike staff that Brighton Hill Road is the main/major road into which Watlington West and East roads are but tributary minor roads. Why take the brainless step of creating a traffic hazard, which will lead to a frequent accident death trap. The project should be scrapped now ... immediately.

I have been reliably informed that the project is the mindless idea of a particular Devonshire MP who wants to be credited with it as a hallmark of his work for his constituents. This was a bad idea.

I do hope that this letter is brought to the attention of the Bermuda Road Safety Council and the Minister of Public Works.


Magistrate (ret.)


The disputed area for a proposed new road layout in Devonshire (Photograph by Akil Simmons)
The disputed area for a proposed new road layout in Devonshire (Photograph by Akil Simmons)
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Published March 12, 2025 at 7:15 am (Updated March 12, 2025 at 7:15 am)

Traffic flow plans in Devonshire should be scrapped

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