Making the most of Ramadan’s forgiveness phase
We are already into Day 15 of Ramadan with only 14 to 15 days left. Only five days remain in this sacred phase of forgiveness. Let us seek it sincerely, for true redemption lies in being forgiven.
The Prophet (pbuh) would say “Astaghfirullah” (I seek forgiveness from Allah) more than 100 times daily, and this simple but powerful du’a is one of the best for forgiveness. Let us make the best of these few days of forgiveness and repentance.
Allah (swt) says, “O believers! Turn to Allah in sincere repentance, so your Lord may erase your sins and admit you into gardens, under which rivers flow.“ (Koran, 66:8).
Soon, we will be entering the final ten days; days of salvation from hellfire. This is the most spiritually intense period of Ramadan. The time to seek refuge from hellfire and strive for eternal success. The last ten days too, include Laylat al-Qaeda, the night of Decree, which is better than a thousand months.
So we must rev up our worship as the beautiful and holy month of Ramadan prepares to leave us but not without giving us boundless opportunities to receive the many bounties of Allah. Allah ask “which of your bounties from your Lord will you deny?” Koran 55:13
I’d like to share a daily Ramadan chronicle from my dear sister in faith, Sister Maaida. This is just one of many of her reflections that I’ve enjoyed, and I hope you will too.
Ramadhan chronicles, Day 7
My time. When it's gone there's no getting it back. And its so precious because I barely get any of my own.
But when I do, I try to make the best of it. Today was a day of Koran and Arabic studies at the library and boy, was it oh so inviting! But I struggled to stay awake. That heavy suhur Mansaf dish gave me the “itis” all day!
We are not the only ones fasting! I've met so many Christians and non-Muslims who are also participating in Ramadhan. One lady made it to 2pm yesterday, but today she made it to 6:30! For us Muslims, it's easy. We start when we are kids but for those who are new, they need their props! Happy for them. The first time always feels good.
Iftar at the masjid was delicious. Grilled Fish, BBQ Chicken, creamy pasta, chicken vegetable soup, rolls, fruits, desserts and water to wash it all down. Chef did his thing as usual. I was simply in the way.
Masjid was packed Alhamdulillah! We ran out of food but managed to feed everyone by Allah's mercy.
Sigh. It's days like this that make me miss Ramadan. Everyone is so happy and ready to break their fast. There are only good thoughts in our heads, because all we can think about is the food and enjoying it. We spent all day trying to do good and ready to relax and fill the bellies. It's just amazing.
May we all witness the end of this precious month and see the next, Ameen!
Lesson learnt for today: we may not see tomorrow, so let’s be present with those we care about instead of waiting for the “right time“.
Like the famous saying goes … all good things must come to an end – except my fasting appetite! Ha ha.
Bermuda continue to pray for peace, continue to strive to do better today than we did yesterday.
Ramadan Mubarak and as salaam alaikum (peace be unto you).
• Linda Walia Ming is a member of the Bermuda Hijab Dawah Team, a group of Muslim women who reside in Bermuda and have a goal of educating the community about the religion of Islam