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RA welcomes comment on report

Regulatory Authority chief executive Denton Williams (Photograph supplied)

The Regulatory Authority is calling for public feedback on a preliminary report of an electronic communications sector market review.

The report is specifically focused on reviewing providers in the electronic communications sector for significant market power (SMP).

The review seeks to offer protection to consumers by analysing the state of competition in electronic communications markets such as broadband and mobile; and to determine whether SMP’s hinder competition. The RA also wants to use it to create a regulatory environment where positive consumer developments are sustainable and enduring by imposing obligations on providers identified as having SMP. For example, one of the RA’s recommendations, is that consumers should be protected from being locked into contracts, and be able to switch providers quickly and easily, without significant transaction costs, requiring operators in the electronic communications sector to meet these minimum standards.

“As the RA is committed to protecting the rights of consumers, we believe that the proposed remedies in the market review will accomplish that and help to promote business practices and pricing that are both fair and reasonable,” said RA chief executive, Denton Williams. “As part of the legislative process, we encourage the public to review our recommendations and provide their feedback before we reach a conclusion.”

To comment on the market review, see www.rab.bm before September 27.